From Hawai’i

This hula team was formed in 1985 by Suzuko Schafer.
It was organized by members of various churches belonging to the Hawaii Association of Japanese Christian Churches.
Our hula team combines American Sign Language and basic Hawaiian hula into gospel hula. We dance with our hearts always turned toward God in prayer in thanksgiving and praise.
It was said that when missionaries arrived in Hawaii many years ago they discovered that music was the most useful way to communicate with God, so they used singing and dancing to evangelize.
Since then gospel hula has been widely used in Hawaiian churches for worship services.
The purpose of Gospel Hula is to witness the gospel of God to as many people as possible through hula. The Gospel Hula Team does not dance for entertainment,but we turn our hearts to Jesus.
We are giving ourevangelical testimony thru our hula. We are sharing the joy that wells up inside of us. It is not about how much applause we get or how bright the spotlight shines. What attracts people’s hearts? It is because the people who see us feel God.
This team work includes the “Light in the Heart”concert in December, worship hula at various churches, consolation visits to nursing homes, missionary work to Japan,etc.
For more information, please contact to the Makiki Seijyo Christ Church Japanese department office. (808)594-8919