From Hawai’i

In the field of solo ‘ukulele playing, the number of recording artists who specialize in jazz can be counted on one hand. Bill Tapia and Lyle Ritz are two names that immediately come to mind. Now with this historic CD, Benny Chong’s name can be officially added to that “endangered” list.Benny taught himself to play the ‘ukulele when he was about 11 years old. After nine years or so, he virtually put the ‘ukulele away for some thirty-five years. When I met him in 1964, he was the guitarist with the Ali’is, the band that backed up Don Ho. In 2000, I invited him to be one of the four artists in “The Art of Solo ‘Ukulele”, a concert series that led to a CD and a public TV special. These events revitalized his interest in the ‘ukulele, resulting in his debut album Ukulele Jazz.